am the surviving widow of Jacques Fontan, Chief Petty Officer and member of SEAL Team 10. He was KIA on June 28, 2005 in the rescue operation associated with the acclaimed story of Operation Red Wing.
I am always honest and tell everyone that day turned my life upside down. My dreams of being happy on earth, having a family with Jacques were crushed, left me without hope and a future. Through the help of family and friends and several foundations, today I say my life is a picture of restoration and hope.
One of my favorite things to tell people is that God blessed me twice in life with love, and I married Drew Westfall in 2008. We’ve been blessed with 3 children over the last 9 years, and though it keeps me busy, I love being a mom. It was because of Drew’s encouragement to share my story and be a support to other surviving spouses, that I became involved in key foundations that help surviving spouses and veterans. My involvement has included work with the Special Ops Survivor Foundation, being on the board the Lone Survivor Foundation, working with the Boot Campaign, and I am currently part of Team Never Quit, and now also a part of Soldiers Freedom Outdoors, all in which all have made a difference in my continued healing, and that of others.
I have been a mentor for the SFO by working with women who’ve lost their husbands while serving in the military. I have work closely with the military nonprofits to raise awareness for the surviving spouses/families our veterans and our countries veterans.
Col. Sanchez’s wife, Gloria, served for five years as the President/Secretary of the Department of Florida and one year as the Region IV President of LAMOPH. She also served as the Junior and Senior Vice President of the National Ladies Auxiliary, MOPH. In August 2017, Gloria was elected as President of the National MOPH Auxiliary at the Convention in Dallas, TX. Her year of serve ended in August 2018 in Spokane, WA.
Most of his 27 plus years in the Army were served with troops in the Field Artillery.